"I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction"
-Albert Einstein
Honestly, I think Einstein got it right this time, as he did many other things. He feared this day, and it has come.
I wake up every day wondering why I have to. Not "why do I have to wake up at all," but "why do I have to wake up at this exact time every day and have no choice in the matter?"
Is there some big set of guidelines imprinted in the sky, forever locked away, forcing us to listen everything people say until we turn 18. Is 18 a magical number, where the minute I hit it, my life magically changes and I'm freed from the chains of listening to anyone older than me and forced into believing they're right because they have the right to be?
I feel like being a teenager has many limitations, simply from the title. To many, any opinion, however intelligent or logical, will be seen as irrelevant and stupid just because the person who believes it still has a 1 as the first number of their age. Quiet frankly, it's completely unfair and quite idiotic.
My mind nowadays is filled with impossibly fantastic fictional events with fictional characters from books and shows that make me want to run home from school everyday just so I can meet them again. Lately, I've been finding that feeling rare because many other things tend to get in my way. Like my super, vitally important math test on how to graph logarithmic functions. I have no idea what balancing a cheque book means or what a mortgage is, but I can tell you what Meursault from The Stranger had for breakfast, but hey? That's what truly matter right?
Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying I'm pumped and eager to know how taxes work, but to me that will stick with me in the future more than any other thing I've learned. As cheesy and fake as it sounds, I love learning. The only problem is that school completely killing it for me.
If books, shows, movies, travel, are what make me happy and what give me a reason to wake up in the morning, then why can't I have it? Why must I be forced to be part of this system of education? And most importantly, why is no one doing anything about it? It just makes me believe that the minute you turn into an adult, your memories of your adolescent feelings and beliefs get wiped out. It seems nowadays the only people who care are us. Now, I'm sure there are people who aren't teenagers who agree with us, but I feel it's scarce because it's scarce in our society.
I find myself constantly worrying about the most trivial and pointless things.
I haven't checked my Twitter in a few hours.
*Logs on*
"@KewlGurl81: my rents ddnt get me new iphone 5! uuuuuuuuuuuuuugh"
*Logs off*
Repeat cycle every few hours/minutes.
I don't want to rely on such stupid things but I feel that since I was born in this era, then I have no other choice in the matter. Once again.
So I ask you, in your opinion, why can't people do as they please as long as it's no harm to others? Who dictates these rules and why do we have to follow them?