Monday, September 9, 2013

War and Violence

Why do wars begin?
Wars usually start for the same selfish reasons; nations benefiting from the other country's loss. It's either about oil, food, money, military, or any types of resources. If a nation sees a benefit in fighting with others or involving themselves in other wars, they jump on the opportunity.

Are they always justified?
There's a difference between wars being "justified" and justified. Nations always claim that the next war will help advance their nation, or that they're doing it in the name of God. These excuses are usually excuses for nations to gain power and money. However, I've never really heard of a war that was fairly justified, and I doubt I ever will.

Is violence the answer to getting what you want?
Technically, wars end up getting their nations what they were after. Whether it's a just and right reason is another question entirely. Personally, I believe there are ways of compromise, without including violence, for nations to settle their disputes. However, I think it'll be a long time before that happens.


  1. What about the American Civil War to end slavery? Or the Haitian Revolution?

  2. Do you think war should occur for self-defense? If a country is occupying your land how will you deffend your land, if its not by using violence?
